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Educational Counseling in US


By S Adeeb Mujtaba Ali

An important part of educational institutions in US is Educational or school counseling . It is considered as a gateway to resolve salient negative situations between students, parents and school faculty to direct it to positive outlook. Some of the fundamentals of Educational counseling are 

Basics of Educational (School) counseling:

A place where a child learns important lessons while growing is a School. It is here (elementary school) that they make most cherished memories and bad (first) experiences of life. They learn the skills like cooperation, interaction and socialization academic resolves etc. While in high school the above learn ed attributes evolve and finally stepping in college they experience many challenges. 

During each step of growth students are given access to professional counseling sessions that are arranged within every American schools. 

The students counselors proactively works from a central location and provides counseling assistance to all the students at different levels in the school. They try to address and resolve issues which students encounter during their (every step) growth phase.

This facility is mainly arranged by school authorities to develop a healthy environment in the school and produce good, independent, mentally strong and confident individuals. The counselors help students in meeting life challenges and emerge and have positive outlook for life. 

 Elements of educational counseling:

Hand's on sessions, maintenance of students case records, administrative activities etc. Among all this hand's on activity is pivotal. Where in counselors conduct face to face sessions, one to one talks, virtual meetings, telephonic conversation. In short discussion through different forms of media. 

Sometimes educational counselor's interventional services are also required based on the students and issues. Therefore educational counselors are expected to have an eagle view and broad vision to address all. For example, issues like personal growth concerns (puberty related), bullying, abuse, aggression, neglect, day to day trivial issues etc.

According to market survey and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), educational counselors has a growth rate of 8%, with moderate per annum pay scale of $54,560. To get into this field an individual requires master's degree and certification to practice as a counselor.


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