Friday, March 26, 2021


By Nailah Zain

 Knowledge can be described as a house. It takes team effort to build it. Parents are the foundation of your house, the stronger the foundation the better the house. Parents teach us right from the day we are born, they teach us to walk, talk, manners, making memories, enjoying the moments. Then comes the teachers, they become the pillars of the house, they make the house stand, they make your future, they become your guide. Be respectful to them, try to soak up as much knowledge as you can. Then what you make of that knowledge, your career, that becomes the walls of the house. They make the house looks better, small or big it still makes the house beautiful. Be wise in choosing your path. Then there are friends who become a part of your house, they matter to you, make memories, learn from their experiences, they give you life lessons, maybe some bad and some good, but you need all those to make yourself better. Lastly all the knowledge that you gained becomes the roof of your house, it protects you and your loved ones. And then this roof in turn becomes the foundation for your children. So remember what you do with your life in one way or the other effects your child and in turn the next generation and the future of the nation. 

Knowledge is power and indeed there is no denying it! 

We at #sti are doing our bit to help students via counseling, tuitions, coaching, workshops etc to make their career paths a little bit easier to follow. 

Contact us today. 


Mucormycosis: 2021 Epidemic ???

It would be unjustifiable for me to not chronicle this issue as a microbiologist.                                            Image credits: ...