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Corona Virus: Short Notes

Coronavirus is a virus that causes respiratory sickness. It was initially discovered in China by Wuhan residents who ate bats, however, some believe it is a man-made virus that has yet to be proven. SARS-CoV2 causes Covid-19, which is a sickness. It's a viral infection of the lungs. It enters through the mouth and nose. If your eyes aren't clean, it's also a smart option not to touch them. It spreads in the same way as coronavirus does, through direct touch. People over the age of 65, as well as those with a medical history of respiratory issues, diabetes, heart disease, or cancer, are particularly vulnerable. The severity of the infection might range from minor to fatal. The covid-19 virus is transferred via saliva droplets or discharge from an infected person's nose (When he cough or sneeze the droplets are spread which contain a virus ) The rate of surface pollution is lower. It's critical to practice basic hygiene, such as using elbows when sneezing. Many expert...

Covid-19 and Online Education

A minuscule viable particle has altered every aspect of life these days, and education is no exception. Yes, distinguished readers, I am talking about coronavirus also known as covid 19. Despite the fact that It had muddled up the organized education sector on one side, it overwhelmingly created a lucrative scope for online education platforms on the other. While most of the organizations witnessed terrific losses, very few optimistic entrepreneurs created numerous opportunities for themselves as well as the teaching fraternity. Although every origination has its own set of advantages, and disadvantages, I will enumerate few advantages of online education subsequently covering some limitations. I firmly believe that disadvantages can be prevented through various preventive measures.  Let’s begin with Advantages a)       Unparalleled Methods of teaching: The best part of online education is the virtual techniques in picture-perfect format. When an educato...

Practical learning vs theoretical learning

The most contentious topic of discussion: theory vs. practical knowledge. Some believe that students should study more about practical courses such as computer degree programs, technical degree programs, and so on. Others, however, believe that students should learn about theoretical subjects such as history and science. But first, let's know what this term implies, and what theory is. In our educational system, theories about knowing basic life fundamentals meet with any topic, such as science, mathematics, english, geography, and history. Theoretical knowledge, then, is the understanding of what is true. Theoretical knowledge may assist you in comprehending the underlying notion and understanding how something works and how it works. The term "theoretical knowledge" refers to learning something without applying it in practice. It explains why one is more successful and the other is unsuccessful. Theoretical knowledge may help you grasp a notion better by allowing you t...

Advantages of online classes during pandemic

By S Adeeb Mujtaba Ali S chools, colleges, and universities were among the most severely impacted industries, with many having to lock their doors overnight. The learning process was interrupted by forced lockdowns in different parts of the world. Physical education classes were canceled in many schools, forcing students to remain at home. Families suffered mental and psychological consequences as a result of the abrupt termination. Many parents and students are also adapting to a new normal when living at home. ‘Necessity is the mother of all inventions,' it is often said. As a result, the educational system evolved to meet the current government safety and stay-at-home rules. Most schools and educational institutions also provide students with online courses to assist them in continuing their education. Virtual Classes and Their Importance According to research, children benefit from a schedule. A consistent schedule provides protection for children and aids in the development of...

Importance of English language in Education

  Because of its many uses and benefits in various human activities, English is spoken by speakers of several languages all over the world. Nobody can dispute English's significance as a global language in today's world. As a result, it is clear that the English language has grown in popularity across the globe. English, as a foreign language, gives us access to the most up-to-date information and is widely used. It is also the language of the modern era and is used for communication by people all over the world. We cannot do anything on the internet unless we use the English language to express our thoughts and opinions with the entire world wide internet. How about the educational sector? English is sometimes used as a medium of contact and learning for people who study abroad. Many highly talented students have disqualified education due to a lack of English language skills. English is the primary language for higher-level studies and is used in every book. ...

Counselling and School guidance (India): History in brief

By S Adeeb Mujtaba Ali From the review paper by Kodad and Kazi, it is known that according to an Indian Express interview with Sudeshna Chatterjee titled, ' Schools are neglecting to counselling ,  a) the first Child Guidance Clinic was founded by Tata Institute of Social Sciences at Wadia Hospital in 1938.  b) In the same year, the Wadia hospital established a school health unit, which referred children with behavioral issues to the hospital. In 1979, the first school mental health clinic was founded at Nair Hospital. Asha K. Kinra also discusses some of the significant turning points in India's school counseling progress.   a) In 1954, the Central Bureau of Educational and Vocational Guidance was created by India's Ministry of Education.  b) Following the third five-year plan (1961), certified counselors and career masters, with the help of school teachers, began providing guidance services in classrooms.  c) By the end of the third five-year plan (1966)...

Counselling and School Guidance (US): History in brief

By S Adeeb Mujtaba Ali While the foundations of therapy and instruction concepts can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome with Plato and Aristotle's philosophical teachings, the tradition of school counseling officially began at the turn of the twentieth century. Also, there is evidence suggesting that some of the methods and skills used by modern-day guidance counselors were used by Catholic priests in the Middle Ages, as shown by the commitment to confessional confidentiality. The Universal Plaza of All the Professions of the World (1626) , written by Tomaso Garzoni , was one of the first texts on career opportunities published near the end of the sixteenth century. Formal guidance programs using advanced textbooks, on the other hand, did not begin until the turn of the century. In the United States, the social reform movement paved the way for the establishment of advice and therapy in the 1890s. Many people were angered by the struggles of inhabitants living in slums and t...